Pirate Festival Las Vegas 2015

Screenshot_2015-04-25-01-51-48In this episode Hailey, Ali and I went to the 2015 Pirate Fest in Las Vegas and had a great time. This video only shows a fraction of the tents or vendors that were there. For us kids they had maps that we were supposed to follow and get signed by the various performers leading us around to lots of fun tents. The first tent shown was to get your pirate name, we had to roll a pair of dice to get the numbers connected to you pirate names. My new pirate name is Jolly Bones, Hailey got Shipwreck Bones and Ali got Dreadful Barnacle.

Screenshot_2015-06-14-21-34-03-1Then a display of infamous pirates thru history. Next was a hands on display explaining how a belay pin works and how to make a boat go faster buy lightening the load, which in turn raises the boat haul out of the water making it faster.

After being locked in a trunk and spying some booty we had to walk the plank for our crimes. We  were given cards to choose our crime to be punished for. The card I drew said I made a foul wind (I farted). Ali’s and Hailey’s both said they pooped on the deck (must be something they ate). We did some other fun stuff too but didn’t get that on camera. Next was braiding rope, I liked this one cause I got to use a cool little chain and gear drive system to make my rope and then they let me keep it as a souvenir.

We all bought swords and other souvenirs as well as drinks and food. We had a great time and the whether was perfect for it too. If you haven’t been to one of these I strongly suggest you give it a try. We hope to see you all next year.

If you enjoyed this episode you should check out my sisters channel and website @ www.haileythehowtogirl.com



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